Reading Journal for Station Eleven

- In section three, the novel flashes back to Arthur’s life before the outbreak of the Georgian Flu. What do we learn about him in these chapters?

-We learned about where he grew up and a little bit about his childhood on the island. It seemed peaceful but it wasn't fulfilling his desires for life and he wanted so much more. He went to school in Toronto but didn't like it so he started acting classes instead. Tried to get into the acting world and struggled for a while. He met up with a girl from his hometown that his mother told him he should take to lunch cause it would be nice for her and good for him as well. They had a good lunch and then didn't talk again for many years. Arthur ended up landing a few bigger roles and ended up traveling to New York and LA for acting. He ended up booking something back in Toronto and Ended up hitting up that girl, Miranda, from his hometown. They hit it off and got married after a while. Three years into their marriage he met someone new, Elizabeth, who would later become his next wife. 

  • Discuss how some items appear in both timelines, the world before the collapse and twenty years later. What does the world of the comic book Station Eleven offer to its creator, Miranda? Twenty years later, how does Kirsten still find meaning in these comics? Do you see any parallels between what’s happening in these timelines and the story mentions of Station Eleven?

-It offers an escape for Miranda. It is something that is just hers and something she can pour herself into. It is a world that she has full control over and can oversee exactly how she wants it. It is her creation and something she can be creative with and pour her soul into. 20 years later, Kirsten still finds meaning in these comics because it is an alternate world that she is able to dream into. It is also an escape from her world and gives her the opportunity to just remove herself from everything she has to do just to stay alive

  • Discuss how the story progresses in section four (chapters 19-26). While Kirsten believes the world is becoming less violent, and she hopes Alexandra will go through life without ever having to kill, what is happening on the road for them after leaving St. Deborah by the Water?

-The road is hard and they are trying to find their way back, but they are also realizing that the world they are living in isn't everything that they may think that it is. There are people who are violent, people who are still dying, cults, danger, and people just trying to live remotely on their own to stay safe and separate.


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