
    Due to complete overpopulation and the greediness of humans, 96% of all of the forest has been destroyed and the land that was once used for various different buildings, neighborhoods, and mega cities become deserted. Due to the extreme amounts of deforestation, the natural balance of the weather around the world has completely changed. In the first year without most trees we saw drastic changes. The root of the problems right off the bat was the extreme air pollution, which killed most people nearly immediately. For the first few months, humans tried to continue their lives like normal, continuing to use our machines that produce mass amounts of greenhouse gasses. With the world now nearly having no trees to filter the air, take in the carbon dioxide and release oxygen the air becomes extremely poisonous to humans and animals alike. As months went on, rain became out of control and because there was nothing to keep the soil from washing away, flooding got really bad and canyons began to form faster than we have ever witnessed. After the rain and flooding had finally ceased and washed away most of the smaller neighborhoods, leaving most of those who did not die from the air homeless, that is when the heat started to get really bad. Because of the lack of trees and plants to absorb sunlight, the process of desertification begins to take over rapidly and slowly but surely within ten years the green land as we once knew it is becoming a waste land of rotting buildings and unfarmable, unusable land.

The burning scar: Inside the destruction of Asia's last rainforests | Land  Portal

This is an image of real time deforestation in Asia and what desertification looks like. 

    The group called the Swift changes has been together since pre- deforestation chaos and death. They were originally a group of 7 climate activists who worked and pushed for change and no one would listen. They saw the effects that the humans had on this planet and they soon realized that no matter how many reasons or examples they gave, no real change would happen, and if it started it would already be too late. Therefore as nearly everyone else ignored the warning signs, and continued on with their lives like normal, ruining everything, this group worked together to prepare themselves for the worst. It was coming. They knew the worst was coming. The prepared day and night used data to analyze and predict weather planets and they were getting ready to not only survive but thrive. They were completely reliant on their trust in each other and needed each other to survive as soon as the official crash happened. They thought it would have been more of a gradual decrease in the earth's functionality, but everything got very bad very quickly. They started out their time just surviving and figuring out what all of these issues actually meant, because you can only predict and plan so much but when something actually happens it is going to be slightly different than you think it will be. After most of the people who were going to die had died at that point, they were so bored and they were ready to put their plan into action. They had started a plan years in advance to engineer plants that could survive in unlivable conditions and those plants were finally mature enough to put their plan into action.

In an Information Desert, Rumors Are a Mirage, Not an Oasis | LiquidPlanner


This is an image of a really amazing looking mirage in the desert that could never occur naturally but looks amazingly pleasant in that arid waste land

Journal entries:

My name is Oliva Rylee and I am one of the only two female members of the Swift Changes. I got to help name our little group after the crash. Growing up I was obsessed with Taylor swift music and I mean obsessed and so she influenced the name a bit. I think the others felt bad for me because I am the youngest so they just kind of went with whatever and moved on. Anyways none of that is really important but just in case anyone reads this and is curious on how our name came about, I want most of the credit. I have lost count down to the exact day, but I believe that we are about three years, and approximately 6 months into the wave. Which is what i call the take over of extreme heat, you know like heat wave, get it? Anyways. About four to five years ago, a year before the wave, We moves to a more tropical location in Ecuador, South america. I think it used to be called Parque Nacional Yasuní. I only know that because James, who joined us about two years ago, is from here and he still likes to tell stories about what this place used to be. We chose this place because we knew that this place used to be home to tropical plants and had good temperate weather. We also were far enough from any major water sources so we knew we would be safe from any major flooding. We have recently gotten to put our engineered plants plan into real action and I am really excited about the results so far. About six years ago I started engineering and grooving these plants to live in the harshest of environments, grow in sand, produce their own minerals and live off of extremely low water amounts.I spent every day tending to these pants and making their lives miserable very carefully so they were just harsh enough to get stronger. Tomorrow we get to put them into the real ground and I could not be more excited. 
Talk soon,

Greetings and good day, 
I am James and I am the native of the area once called Parque Nacional Yasuní and I could not be more proud to still call this my home. My job with the swift changes started about 7 years ago now. We are about 8 years into the wave now and I’m not exactly sure how we were able to pull it off but we are no longer just surviving, we truly are thriving in the circumstances we were dealt. I am so happy that I found this group years ago. I was long distance friends with another man in the group who goes by the name of Rhoan. We met through a climate activist group online a long time ago and although we were thousands of miles apart we often messaged and bounced ideas back and forth, and when the time came he brought up to me that he and his group the swift changes had this idea and they were looking for the perfect environment to live their lives after the wave happened. I told them to come down here and they blindly trusted me and I think it is the best decision that could have ever happened and the reason I am still alive today. Every day I am responsible to scope out the area for signs of life. Me and Rhone have traveled  thousands of miles together. Now that we know that our genetically engineered plants actually do work and make a difference, it would be selfish to sit around and not share our findings to help others survive. Although there are not many left. We will go on missions sometimes weeks at a time searching for people or checking up on the people we have worked with in the past. We are about just over a year into this specific project of sharing our findings and we have helped out three other groups who were near death come back alive and thrive. Although we know that we cannot ever go back to the way the world once was, I love knowing that we are helping anyone and everyone we can survive and have their own paradice to call home in this place that was once a paradise to me. We have basically built ourselves a human terrarium and were able to have a small piece of land that looks like a mirage in the desert. It took a while but we now have fresh enough air to not need masks and water. I wonder what the world would have looked like if people were smart enough to understand that all of this was preventable and none of this had to or should have happened. 

Yasuni National Park – A Complete Guide for Visitors to Yasuni Ecuador


This is a map of where Parque Nacional Yasuní is located in Ecuador

Video from Nat Geo 



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