
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Coming of John

   What is the danger of a single story according to Chimamande Adichie? The danger of a single story is that that is the only information you have and all that you know, therefore leading you to assume that that is all there is to a person or a place. It doesn’t give you the whole picture of the story, only a small part. You make assumptions because if you only have a single story, then that is all that you know which normally isn't the truth or the whole truth.  Discuss how what she calls “nkali” is part of the danger. What is the truth and problem of stereotypes in her words? She tells that power is a huge part of single stories, how they are told, when they are told, and who tells them will completely change the story and it is all based on power which is dangerous. Adichie states that “The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.” What is th...

Screen time affects

       The two articles are comparing the usage of phones to how generation Z (igen) is doing as a whole. Twenge states that “Teens who spend more time than average on screen activities are more likely to be unhappy, and those who spend more time than average on non screen activities are more likely to be happy.” (Twenge). She is making the statement that phones are ruining this generation's mental health, physical health, and happiness. I think her data should be a bit stronger here with more evidence and actual data to back the argument made here. Cavanagh makes the argument against Twenge saying that her data is vague and that the technology isn't actually ruining the children, it is just a different time. She says that Twenge cherry picked her data to back her argument and that as a whole it is very one sided. Personally I do believe that our screen time as a whole society is probably too much but it is not necessarily ruining us. I think that many of us aren't n...

Discussion Board Four: Blog Deep Dive into the Next Subject

  Is it more beneficial to work out in the morning or in the afternoon  Getting to the gym to workout is oftentimes the hardest part and once you are there, you have already won half the battle. Working out first thing in the morning gives you the chance to get it over with and have the rest of your day feeling energized and ready for your day, But working out in the afternoon gives you the chance to destress after a long day and feel accomplished.I have gone through both stages of my life where i constantly worked out in the morning and in the evening. I liked both for different reasons. Either way moving your body is a win in itself but there are both Pros and cons to each time of day that one may choose to workout.  Difference between platonic and Romantic love Saying I love you to your friend you have no romantic interest in is a normal thing but do the words carry the same weight that they do when you say them to someone you are romantically interested in? Romantic ...

Sherlock Holmes, Fairies, and the Devil Baby of Hull House

  In my opinion he failed to get the concrete evidence and trusted the word of the creator. If the creator was being asked if they were lying there is no way they would admit to that and I don't think Doyle took that into account.  He realizes that they all share stories of the tragic deaths of their children and loved ones. One story that was told was of a daughter who died in an insane asylum. The girl watched her father go crazy and try to kill her and her mother. After that he killed himself and this young girl had to live with that in her brain. The traumatic experience stayed with her throughout her life. She was sly and would run away. It got to the point that the mother had to send her to an insane asylum for her own safety. She was there on and off for five years until ultimately she died their from heart failure. When people experience major traumatic events in their lives they lose a lot of hope in their lives and I think when that happens they grasp onto the belief...